In order to properly seal the roof edges and roof penetrations, additional elements should be used (accessories) except for the base elements of the covering, which are corrugated bitumen sheets. Additional elements including the basic elements of hard?they plow one whole and guarantee reliability, long-term tightness of the roof and its aesthetic appearance.
The most important additional elements of roofing with corrugated sheets include:
• Profil zabezpieczający połączenia połaci dachowych ze ścianą, perpendicular to the folds of the covering, designed to protect gaps, which are formed between the cover plate and the wall. It can be used with the roof inclination at any angle.
• Kształtka do uszczelnienia przykominowego równolegle do fałd pokrycia (shown in Fig. a). Its use improves durability, tightness and aesthetics of the roof.
• Kątowniki szczytowe służące do prawidłowego wykończenia krawędzi połaci dachowych; they ensure the tightness of the roofing along the edges and protect the roofing panels against the suction effect of the wind (lynx. b).
• Gąsior dachowy stosowany do każdego nachylenia połaci dachowych (lynx. c). Sealant made of black or white foamed polyurethane, adapted to the profile of the plates, prevents water and dust from getting under the cover and protects it from the wind (lynx. d).
• Przeźroczyste płyty z PCV, providing access of light to the attic rooms, used there, where diffused lighting is required. They have the same shape and dimensions as the cover plates. They are a simple and economical way of obtaining light through the roof, they are resistant to mechanical impact and weather conditions (lynx. e).
• Świetlik umożliwiający dostęp światła i wentylację poddasza, serving also as an entrance to the roof (lynx. f).
• Wywietrznik połaciowy pozwalający na wentylację przestrzeni poddasza. Installation involves cutting holes in the cover plate, and then, while the boards are nailed, the wavy vent flange is also nailed along the edge to the battens - fig. g.