Another construction solution are reinforced concrete slab ceilings poured on permanent formwork made of profiled sheets. These ceilings are lightweight, easy and quick to assemble, they do not need any scaffolding or formwork, as it can be used as a working platform immediately after the sheet is laid. The main structural element of the ceiling made of profiled sheets are steel beams made of full-wall rolled I-beams. In the case of long-span ceilings, high openwork or lattice beams can be used, and in the case of small spans (np. bridges) cold rolled steel profiles.
Methods of making ceilings from profiled sheets:
• Blacha profilowana jest elementem nośnym płyty stropowej, and the concrete layer is a secondary element.
• Blacha profilowana stanowi jedynie szalunek tracony monolitycznej płyty żelbetowej, which is the actual load-bearing element.
• Blacha profilowana jest elementem stalowo-betonowej konstrukcji zespolonej, in which it serves as both formwork and slab reinforcement.
The third variant of the solution is the most advantageous – tj. steel and concrete composite structure. Cooperation between the sheet and the concrete is obtained through the appropriate shape of the sheet profile – the so-called. dovetail. An additional advantage of the ceiling made of profiled sheets is the high standard of finishing the bottom surfaces of the sheets, which avoids the use of ceiling cladding or suspended ceilings.